Results Overview

Calculated outcome after 7 years


Final Balance


Total Amount Increase


Total Percent Increase




Interest Earned


Percent Gained from Interest

Yearly Breakdown

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Growth Chart

See how your investment grows over time.

Understanding Interest

See how it works.

What is Interest?

Interest is the cost of borrowing money or the reward for saving it. When you deposit money into a savings account, the bank pays you interest. Conversely, when you borrow money, you pay interest to the lender. Interest is typically expressed as an annual percentage rate (APR).

How Interest Grows

Interest grows over time, and its growth can be categorized into two main types: simple interest and compound interest.

Simple Interest is calculated only on the initial amount (principal). The formula is:

A = P (1 + r)^(t)


  • A is the amount of money accumulated after t years, including interest.
  • P is the principal amount (the initial money).
  • r is the annual interest rate (as a decimal).
  • t is the time the money is invested for, in years.

Compound Interest is calculated on the principal amount and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods. The formula for compound interest is:

A = P (1 + r/n)^(nt)


  • A is the amount of money accumulated after t years, including interest.
  • P is the principal amount (the initial money).
  • r is the annual interest rate (as a decimal).
  • n is the number of times interest is compounded per year.
  • t is the time the money is invested for, in years.
Compounding Interest

Compounding interest means that the interest is calculated on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods. This causes the investment or loan balance to grow at an accelerating rate.

Compound Frequency refers to how often the interest is calculated and added to the principal balance. Common compounding frequencies include annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, daily, etc. The more frequently interest is compounded, the more interest will be earned or paid.

Factors Affecting the Final Value

Several factors can influence the final value of an investment or loan:

  • Starting Principal: The initial amount of money invested or borrowed. A larger starting principal will result in more interest earned or paid over time.
  • Interest Rate: The percentage at which interest is calculated. Higher interest rates will increase the amount of interest earned or paid.
  • Time (Years): The duration for which the money is invested or borrowed. More time allows for more interest to accumulate.
  • Compound Frequency: The number of times interest is compounded per year. More frequent compounding periods (e.g., monthly vs. annually) result in more interest being earned or paid.
  • Contributions: Additional deposits made into the investment. Regular contributions will increase the final value significantly due to the added principal and interest earned on these contributions.
  • Withdrawals: Money taken out from the investment. Withdrawals reduce the principal, which in turn decreases the interest earned.
  • Increasing Contributions: Regularly adding money to your investment will grow your balance more quickly, thanks to the interest earned on each new contribution.
  • Making Withdrawals: Taking money out reduces the principal, which means future interest calculations are based on a smaller amount, resulting in less growth over time.
  • Extending Time: Investing for a longer period allows for more compounding periods, which exponentially increases the final amount due to compound interest.
  • Adjusting Interest Rates: Higher rates mean more interest earned on investments or more interest paid on loans.
  • Changing Compound Frequency: More frequent compounding periods (e.g., monthly vs. annually) lead to faster growth of the investment.


Learn how your investments grow.

Waiting to start investing can significantly affect the amount earned due to the power of compound interest. The earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow. Delaying investing means you miss out on the benefits of compounding, potentially resulting in significantly lower returns over the long term.

The frequency of compounding affects how often interest is calculated and added to the principal. More frequent compounding (e.g., monthly vs. annually) results in more interest earned because the interest is being calculated and added to the principal more often.

Regular contributions significantly boost the growth of an investment. Each contribution increases the principal amount, leading to more interest earned over time. The cumulative effect of regular contributions can lead to substantial growth, especially when combined with the power of compound interest.

The nominal interest rate is the stated rate on an investment or loan, not accounting for compounding within the year. The effective interest rate, however, includes the effects of compounding within the year. The effective rate will always be higher than or equal to the nominal rate due to the impact of compounding.

The interest rate on an investment often correlates with the level of risk. Higher interest rates usually come with higher risk, meaning there's a greater chance of losing the invested principal. Investors with low risk tolerance might prefer investments with lower rates and lower risk, while those with higher risk tolerance might seek higher rates for potentially greater returns.

Continuously compounding interest means that the interest is calculated and added to the principal an infinite number of times per year, leading to exponential growth. The formula for continuously compounded interest is: A = P × e^(rt), where P is the principal, r is the annual interest rate, t is the time in years, and e is Euler's number (approximately 2.71828).

Input a positive number.
Input a positive number.
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Input a positive number.

Deposits/Withdrawals occur at the end of each interval.