FIN Calculator
Cost of Time
Cost of Waiting
Debt Stacking
Compound Interest
Your FIN:
Financial Independence Number Calculator
Please enter the following values and click the Calculate button.
Annual Inflation Rate
Input a positive number.
Annual Rate of Return - During Retirement
Input a positive number.
Annual Rate of Return - Before Retirement Low
Input a positive number.
Annual Rate of Return - Before Retirement Medium
Input a positive number.
Annual Rate of Return - Before Retirement High
Input a positive number.
Life Expectancy
Input a positive number that is greater than the target retirement age and less than 120.
Current Age
Input a positive number that is less than the target retirement age.
Target Retirement Age
Input a positive number that is less than estimated life expectancy and greater than the current age.
Current Annual Income
Input a positive number.
Target Annual Retirement Income
Input a positive number.
Current Savings
Input a positive number.
Expected Soc. Security/Pension payments
Input a positive number.